Friday, December 8, 2017

Two months passed . . .

I'm a few days late on this post . . .

Buddy been gone for two whole months, it's still hard to believe that he's not here. Sometimes I wake up and kind of expect him to be somewhere in the house. Maybe what I'm sensing is him watching over us and taking a peek at the two kittens we NOW have in our house.

I am keeping a journal and writing letters to Buddy, I don't write it in every day. But I will write in it from time to time when a memory comes across or a photo sparks a memory. But I'll write to him anytime because to me that one way of keeping his memory alive along with the photos and videos.

SPEAKING of a PHOTO . . . The drawing of Buddy is finally Framed! and it couldn't have turned out any better. Even my parents were in awe in the photo. I knew that picking that frame and had a little help from michaels on Matte colors although I pick one of the matte colors. It's perfect.

Here's the link to the Instagram post of Buddy's picture on the wall.

I'm terrible at taking pictures lately, but many of you have seen Copper. Coal is our newest addition and he's an all black kitten. Coal is exactly the same age as Copper, I didn't expect that we would find someone that is born within two days of Copper.

It took awhile to find kitten number two after hitting a few road block, but now we have a second kitten. I think secretly we will still keep our eyes out for Buddy in recarnation, I don't know what we would do if we did ended up with a third kitten. But I think our hearts and Buddy will guide us to the right decisions.

Copper is a little bully to Coal, but I think Coal is starting to grow in wanting to smack Copper in the face when he had enough.

Coal is a very lovey dovey kitten, he does like to play but is always wondering where Copper is 90% of the time. But we're working on it. Coal loves attention, he still hadn't gotten used to being a on bed yet even though I place him on the bed with me.

I know it will take time and patience, so be patient with me on sharing pictures. I am busy with other things in life and the holidays are coming up!

With Love,

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