Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Hello to all that follows Buddy's Backyard,

Winter has been tough this year, we broke our 1929 snowfall record. We had brief snow in November and December then to ring in the New year in February we ended up having the snowiest month ever on record ending with 53.7 inches of snow. As of right now, we stand with a record total of 97.9 inches of snow. Luckily right now we have had most of our snow melted in Buddy's backyard, but man it was hard to keep everyone fed with all that snow we got in February as well as major wind chill in January where you were recommended to not go outside because of the high risk of exposure to frostbite.

Now that SPRING is finally here, we have a few of our returnees

  • Red-winged blackbird
  • Grackles
  • a few European Starlings on and off
  • White-throated sparrow 
  • Possibly a Brown Thrasher 
  • Our ducks pair Donald and Daisy 
  • We have at least 12 deers that visit Buddy's Backyard
  • Today we saw Petrie our Pileated Woodpecker on our Suet near the house
  • Red-bellied woodpeckers are doing their trills calls
  • We are seeing fox sparrows and song Sparrows 
We are looking forward to seeing more birds as they migrate back to us, I'm also going to be scouting areas to take pictures of birds that are not in Buddy's Backyard. 

We do have one orioles feeder up but we know that they are not due to come until the first week of May. I hope they are able to live across the street from Buddy's backyard since the city had cut down numerous trees to take away camouflage and ward off deers. 

Make sure you follow me on Instagram since that is where I mostly post pictures for Buddy's backyard.