Today was a busy day in Buddy's backyard, with the return of our Baltimore Orioles and our Rose Breasted Grosbeaks. Our routine visitors, the Red Bellied Woodpecker was not only on one of our suet it was on the ground and on the tree.
This is one of our male Baltimore Orioles, I believe that the parents had three males and one female. |
Usually when the Red bellied takes off from the suet, it goes somewhere else but not today!
This is the Male Red-Bellied Woodpecker. |
Our robins (I can't even begin to count how many I saw today), one was taking a much needed bath and others were looking for bugs and nesting stuff.
This is the Male Robin, you can tell that he is enjoying his bath. |
And lastly, our Rose-breasted Grosbeak . . . one of our returning visitors from the south.
I know what you're thinking! Don't worry! This is our Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak. |
I haven't debated on how often I want to do a Spotlight on the birds, because we get so many but it would also be too much to do on a daily Spotlight on every single bird. But the main goal with this idea, is to tell you all about the breed, its life, how to tell the difference between Male verse Female and how to attract these birds to your backyard.
The birds and pictures are wonderful! I love Orioles. ☺