Hello All! What do you think of the picture above? A pair of Red-Bellied Woodpecker (Both Male and Female) Female have a little gray crown, while the Male has an All Red head.
It's been awhile (I know), life been busy. We survived the major storm and all the snow melted before May. We're getting some nice temps and Buddy's porch has been open all day/night for the kids. However they haven't learn about napping on the porch yet, we haven't gotten them ready to venture out to Buddy's Backyard only because I'm still debating on the type of harness I want to buy them.
So first we got a few old friends back . . .
Our Donald and Daisy, they finally appeared shortly after our snow storm and I had went to put corn out realizing that they were here.
But I bet you're wondering how do I know that this is Donald and Daisy? Recap Donald and Daisy been coming to Buddy's Backyard for the past few years. Although we have had the occasional guest ducks, Donald and Daisy are residents to Buddy's Backyard.
The day I saw that they were here, I went to put corn out for them knowing that they were looking for food and our pond was frozen. I kept saying Hi Donald and Daisy over and over, I walked around them while I put corn in different spots across Buddy's Backyard. Not once did they take off, merely just watching me and then going to the two main location they like to feed.
Now we needed to bring out Daisy and Donald favorite water bowl, the orange water bowl is convenience for them because it's on the ground. I swear they know about the bird bath, but they like to be on the ground and wander and take drinks from the ground level.
Next is Wilbur!! He's starting to come out again from hibernation.
Wilbur got his Carrots!!!
The Robins, Red-Winged Blackbird, Grackles, and Starlings, were the first bird count for us.
That's all who we have for right now, I hope that Our white-throated Sparrows visits and our Yellow-Rumped Warbler, maybe even the bluebirds and maybe hummingbirds!