Buddy's Backyard grew increasingly busy for the month of May, as you know many of our birds fly south for the winter then travel back to us for the late spring to early fall. We did attend the Back Bird Day event in our local area. We discovered other potential locations to go to when I the camerawomen have a day off work.
Our Baltimore Orioles returned on May 8th and then our Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks (both Male and Female) returned on May 9th. The catbirds have also returned around that same time. I had been away down in Lacrosse, WI which is another great location to scout birding. While on a boat cruise, I saw at least four bald eagle and one Sandhill crane in flight. On the waterfront, there were tons of mallard ducks and robins, starlings, grackles you name it. I even saw a muskrat!!!
Returning home, excited to see my new returnees and camera fully loaded,. So doing an complete bird count kind of makes it hard when half of the bird count are birds we regularly see.
So let's TALLY!!!!
Baltimore Orioles, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Canadian Goose Goslings (Two families!!), Catbirds, Brown Thrasher, Yellow-Rumpted Warbler, White-throated Sparrows, Cowbirds (female included), Red-Winged Blackbird (female included), Indigo Bunting (Sorry no pictures!!) Barn Swallows(Those guys are hard to get picture when they're gliding), Hairy woodpecker made an appearance as did Petrie our Pileated Woodpecker.
Family Number One; at least five goslings |
Family Number Two, Five Gosling for sure! |
How cute are they?? |
The Brown Thrasher |
Female and Male Cowbird |
Yellow-Rumpted Warbler |
What my caption? |
White-Throated Sparrow |